Exes are Hexes

Apps, Breaking up, Dating, ex, relationships
Image: weheartit.com

Image: weheartit.com

I have a very simple ideology when it comes to exes – PRESS DELETE.

 (only for adult relationships past high school!)

It’s super difficult to do but one press of a button and it’s over and it HAS to be all rounded like its laser hair removal. You never want that sh** to grow back.

DELETE the number (I have really embarrassing stories of people who get wasted and call, send pictures and messages that they wake up regretting. Like how Rohan obv. name changed, this friend sent a snapchat to an ex and we all know that you can’t take back snapchats) there is a reason why they are your ex, because things didn’t work out in the first place right?

Hope is my least favorite word and I hope it becomes yours too when it refers to an ex.

DELETE all of their social media connections to you which means untagging them and deleting pictures where you don’t look that great anymore (cos seriously there is no one to compromise for anymore). You don’t need a constant reminder to tell you that this is the next thing that they’re chilling with and this is the new bae – HELL to the NO! Plus it saves you from internal embarrassment when you’re secretly stalking them, or writing statuses that are super emo (emotional) and people judge you as a drama queen for.

Killswitch can help you get rid of what’s not necessary on Facebook, Designated Dialer creates a list of numbers to not call and blocks them when you get home late at night . So start over and enjoy the attention that comes your way when you travel light (i.e. no baggage)

Well if you see them, do the curt nod or run in the opposite direction because nothing good is coming out of it if you’re going to make conversation – I’ve switched places a couple of times when I saw a former ex – one psycho and one not so much. The wasted psycho tried to throw something when he saw me with the new bae over the 2nd floor of a club (well the new bae was way hotter ha ha in your face!) but the second one was alright but it was too soon for me to have stuck around and waited for things to get worse as we got wasted and who knows what would have happened but I’m sure it would include REGRET with a hangover.

Hooking up helps, seriously! Try Tinder, thrill, OKCupid and Woo and find people that are non-creepy.

Yes! it’s a little bit of work but

  1. It’ll keep you busy
  2. Flirting and getting attention makes you feel good about yourself.

Who knows you could be someone’s Tinderella and in the bargain find your next straight or gay prince charming (It’s a free world)

I have some crazy stories coming up on tinder and dating apps (priceless experiences so watch this space for more!)